How-Tos and FAQs for Businesses

Here you'll find tutorials and FAQs related to business banking topics. You'll also find more resources, including user guides, on our Business Digital Banking and Cash Management Resources page

Manage Users How-Tos

Add A New User

Share access to your digital business banking by adding employees and business associates as users.

Add A New Role

Create roles that grant users permission to perform a variety of tasks in your digital business banking.

Deactivate/Activate A User

Deactivate/Activate A User

Temporarily deactivate, not delete, a user from your digital business banking.

Delete A User

Delete A User

Remove a user from your digital business banking account. This action can't be reversed.

Delete A Role

Remove a role that’s no longer needed in your business banking account.  

Edit A Role

Users with the Business Admin role and associated permissions may edit existing users' roles.  

Edit User Details

Modify user profile information such as address and phone number in a few easy steps.

Reset User Password

Reset User Password

The Business Admin or other user with appropriate permissions can provide login support to users.

Manage ACH How-Tos

Create ACH Templates

Design templates to organize the different types of ACH payments you make for your business.  

Add ACH Recipients

Enter new recipients’ payment information to add to your templated payments.

Edit ACH Recipients

Modify existing recipients’ information and remove recipients you no longer need.

Schedule ACH Templates

Set and forget recurring transfers or schedule one-time payments to other businesses.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can. As a business account owner/administrator, you can customize each user’s access to your account. Employees who help manage your day-to-day affairs, like accountants, payroll specialists, and business managers, are given a set of permissions (called a role – see the related FAQ below) that determines their level of access. Here’s how to add a user to your digital banking business account.

Before you add users to your digital business banking account, you’ll need to establish roles that grant users permission to perform a variety of tasks. Roles are generally designed to match corresponding positions or duties within a business rather than for individuals. Here’s how to add a role to your digital banking business account.

To a point. A business's owner and primary account holder is generally designated a Business Admin who has permission to perform all tasks within the account. The Business Admin can then grant permissions to other users to perform a vast majority of those tasks.

A Business Admin or other users with View Users & Roles permissions can view and audit other business users' digital banking activity by clicking Manage Users, then Activity Log. Search, filter, and sort functions may be used to facilitate the business's audit practices.

All prior transactions will continue as scheduled and won’t be affected.