Education Articles

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Education Articles


Your College Buying Guide

Simplify the transition to dorm life. After a year of virtual learning, most universities will resume in-person classes this fall. But don’t wait till the week before to gather all of the essentials you’ll need for your new college life. This guide will help you with that essential packing/purchasing list, giving you plenty of time to gather wha...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

6 Ways to Stay Ahead of Scams, Fraud, and Identity Theft

It can happen to anyone, and across all levels of familiarity with technology. Older generations, often targeted by scams and identity theft, are now matched by their Gen Z counterparts, whose comfort level with technology for everyday online transactions makes them particularly vulnerable. When someone’s identity is stolen, the victim’s financi...
Protecting Your Information

Debt Snowball vs. Debt Avalanche

Ever noticed how much easier it is to fall out of shape than to get into shape? The same can be said (albeit the exact opposite) about getting into (too easy) and out of (pretty hard) debt. There are many ways to dig out of debt—some extreme and unlikely, like winning the lottery or inheriting a pile of money. Chances are pretty low that either ...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits Knowing Your Payment Options

True or False: Money Edition

When it comes to the topic of money, it’s not always easy to tell reality from myth—even when you’re expected to be financially independent. The good news is, it’s never too early (or too late) to learn. Let’s see if you can spot the fact from the fiction.  The U.S. dollar is the most commonly used currency in the world. True. It’s even sometime...
Forming Money Habits

Recreational Vehicles Made for Winter Adventure Seekers

The long-range winter forecast for the Pacific Northwest calls for mostly mild, dry conditions. But that doesn't mean there won't be any outdoor adventures to be had. You may just need to head inland a bit to find the snow. Perhaps memories are still fresh of your younger self cutting through snowdrifts in a snowmobile or ATV. Or the thrill neve...
Buying a Vehicle

Do It Yourself or Hire a Pro?

Many of us have been there: You stare at your old and tired tiled/carpeted floors and think, “I wonder if I could put in new hardwood floors.” Or maybe you’re house hunting and find THE ONE, but it could use a serious upgrade inside and out. Again, can you make any of those improvements yourself? (Side note:  Fall  or  winter  can be great times...
Owning a Home

Telematics: Rewarding Safe Drivers Through Technology

By now, you’re probably aware of insurance programs that reward safe driving behavior.   Until  “usage-based” coverage  came along, auto insurance underwriters would traditionally use statistics to determine risk based on how you and other motorists with similar characteristics are  likely  to drive. With usage-based coverage, some insurers can...
Buying a Vehicle Understanding Insurance

Popular Holiday Scams (and How To Avoid Them)

Ah, the holidays … a time for sharing, celebrating, and adding to your credit card statements. It’s also when scammers looking for personal information step up their game. As much as we look forward to the holidays, scammers enjoy this time of year even more. After all, it’s natural to let your security slip a little when you’re busy and spendin...
Protecting Your Information

Switching From Your Bank As Easy as 1 … 2 … 3 … 4

If you are like a lot of Oregonians, there is a fair chance you have considered switching from your big bank to a more local financial institution. Research conducted by Resonate's consumer database in 2019 found that 5.3% of the online adult population in the United States  considered changing financial institutions  (Resonate calls them...
Choosing a Financial Partner

Protect Yourself from Unemployment Scams

The figure is staggering: Nearly 47 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic—a number greater than the combined population of 23 states. Piggybacking this crisis are scammers lined up to take advantage. According to a recent report from the Inspector General of the U.S. Labor Department,...
Planning Your Future Protecting Your Information