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Education Articles

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Education Articles


Before You Sign Your Auto Loan

Congrats on deciding to buy or trade up! This could be the start of some exciting changes—more mobility, mobility in more style, perhaps the convenience and comforts of technology from the current century. But one change that’s likely is the additional financial responsibility.   “Just like modern cars, financing can be very complex,” says Jerry...
Buying a Vehicle Planning Your Future

The Ins and Outs of Credit

Credit is an integral part of your financial power, and fully understanding how it works will help you build a solid history that will open doors and advance your goals. While misusing credit can be devastating, using it wisely offers many benefits throughout your life.

Mastering Credit

Quicktips: The Trick to Faster Mobile Deposits

Have you ever had a mobile deposit held up for "review"? Here are some tricks to make sure your money shows up in your account right away.
Forming Money Habits

How to Ensure Your Accounts Are Safe

Living in the digital age, it’s all too common to find out your accounts have been compromised. If it hasn’t happened to you, you likely know someone who has—whether it be Facebook, email, digital banking, or really any other online account with a login. Luckily, there are ways to mitigate the damage while jump-starting your recovery process. If...
Protecting Your Information

7 Ways To Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring is a great time of year to clear your house of clutter and dust away winter’s dirt and grime. Why not do the same for your finances? Clutter can accumulate there, too. Whatever your current situation, a thorough spring-cleaning for your finances is a responsible move this time of year. Here are some ways to put your financial home in orde...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

7 Visa Card Features That Might Surprise You

‘More than just a piece of plastic’ Credit cards offer a convenient way to make purchases. That much is known. What’s less understood are the benefits credit cards can offer. For those willing to put on their research hats, there are many perks attached to credit cards—many of which you may already have at your disposal without knowing it. To ge...
Mastering Credit Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits Knowing Your Payment Options

10 Tips for Fortifying Your Passwords and Usernames

Many of us know not to include sensitive information, like our Social Security number or birthday, in our logins (and if you didn’t know, now you do!). But that’s just the most basic step you can take to keep your information safe from would-be fraudsters. Specific username and password rules can differ from website to website, but these five...
Protecting Your Information

One-Stop Financial Shopping

If you’re like most shoppers, you’d rather make as few trips as possible when checking off the shopping list. Retailers have met this demand by providing a more diverse selection of products than ever before—we’ve long become accustomed to setting dog food, running shoes, and organic produce in the same shopping cart (both the physical and onlin...
Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits Knowing Your Payment Options

Passing On the Story of You

Legacy planning can ensure your wishes (as well as your wealth) live on through your heirs. Sometimes, the best things in life aren’t … things. And that’s where legacy planning comes in. Legacy planning goes well beyond leaving your wealth to loved ones. It incorporates the elements of  estate planning  and then some, allowing you to pass on you...
Planning Your Future

10 Tips for Finding the Right Contractor

The pool of independent contractors is deep, so do your homework for a good fit. The time has come. You just can’t look at your outdated kitchen with mismatched appliances, countertops, and cabinets any longer. You’ve watched endless YouTube videos on kitchen remodels. Do you  hire a professional or do it yourself ? Will you need a  home equity...
Owning a Home