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Education Articles

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Education Articles


Play Store

You know what it’s like to go shopping at the store, but here’s your chance to run a store of your own! You’ll need at least two people for this activity—one shopper and one store owner.  Collect the items you’d like to “sell” at your store! It can be anything from stuffed animals to paper towels.  What will you use for money? You can either use...
Youth Tips & Activities

Buckets of Money

If you want to manage your money like a pro, look no further than the Three Bucket Method. It sounds strange, but it’s an easy way to learn about money management, spending wisely, and helping others—and it works at any age.

Youth Tips & Activities

Keep Your Investments on Track While Weathering the Inflation Storm

There are many forces working against us right now. Inflation, gas prices, and stock market woes have made investing a big challenge. But it’s wise to stick to a long-term plan while being frugal in the moment to weather the storm.

Planning Your Future Forming Money Habits

How to Spot (and Stop) Mortgage Junk Mail

When you finalize the purchase of a home, your information becomes public record—and on comes the junk mail. The good news is there are ways to spot (and stop) mortgage junk mail.

Owning a Home Protecting Your Information

AutoSMART: Car Buying Made Easy

Find a vehicle and get preapproved for a SELCO loan in just a few clicks Buying a vehicle can be an arduous process. One survey even showed that car buying was “ more stressful than getting married ” for many respondents. And while buyer satisfaction has improved over the years, it can still be quite the undertaking. But it doesn’t have to be. A...
Buying a Vehicle

What to Buy and What to Skip in May

Warm up your wallets. Or maybe your smartphone, for super easy digital banking . The month of May brings summer into full view and is capped off with Memorial Day—a weekend retailers like to put their good deals into orbit. Despite ongoing inflation pressures, there are smart buys for consumers this month. The best time to snag that couch you’ve...
Forming Money Habits

Making Sense of Rising Insurance Rates

There are ways to level off, or even lower, your auto and homeowners premiums The recent meteoric rise in inflation has found its way to the insurance industry. Thanks to an unusual convergence of market trends, it’s much more expensive to build, repair, or replace a vehicle or home in 2022 than ever before—forcing most insurance carriers to...
Planning Your Future Understanding Insurance

7 Tips to Protect Yourself When Buying a Used Car Privately

When you buy a car, you expect certain things. Purchasing a car from an auto dealer means you will be at least somewhat protected if something happens with the car and can feel some peace of mind that the car’s title is clean. These buyer protections are due to certain regulations that protect consumers.  Unfortunately, not everyone plays by the...
Buying a Vehicle

Homeowners Can Put Equity to Work with a HELOC

As any savvy homeowner will tell you, protecting the investment in your home is a crucial part of ownership. After all, a home is likely the largest investment many of us will make. While upgrades, renovations, and additions often help maintain or even boost a home’s value, these undertakings can be costly.  Thankfully, homeowners have an...
Planning Your Future

5 Things to Know About Commercial Loans

Thinking about a commercial loan? Here are five things you should know: 1. Commercial loans aren't one-size-fits-all And there are different types of loans depending on your goals. As a business owner or investor, you may have a variety of needs to take your business to the next level, so one type of loan may not cover the entire spectrum.  Ther...
Planning Your Future