2024 tax forms have been mailed and are also available in digital banking by selecting "Documents & Statements" from the menu. Click here to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common Frequently Asked Questions

Your member number (ranging from 3-7 digits, zeroes not included) can be found in digital banking within any of your accounts. Check out this How-To for instructions on locating your member number, routing number, and full account number for direct deposit purposes—all in one place.

Your member number is also located in the upper right of your monthly eStatement or paper statement.


If you can't locate your member number, feel free to call us at 800-445-4483 and we'll help you look it up.

You'll need your routing and account numbers to set up direct deposit or an electronic tax refund. The routing number is the 9-digit number found in the lower left of your checks, in digital banking, and at the bottom of every selco.org page. SELCO's routing number is 323274445, which is the same for every SELCO member. Your 14-digit account number is located in the lower middle of checks, and also can be found in digital banking. Each account has a unique 14-digit account number.


In digital banking, select any of your accounts and click or tap Details. Your member number/share ID, routing number, and full account number for ACH/direct deposits will be listed at the top. Your full account number, listed under the "Account Number for ACH/Direct Deposit" heading, will be the one you'll use when setting up direct deposit or making ACH transfers.

Account details page on SELCO app

You can also find the routing number at the bottom of every selco.org page. Also, remember that each account has a unique 14-digit account number.

Digital banking requires a SELCO membership; it takes about five minutes to apply through our online membership application. Once a member, you’ll simply enroll in digital banking. Click “Register with Digital Banking” at the digital banking login screen and follow the prompts that walk you through the process.

To access your account through digital banking, you will need the following:

  • Any type of computer or device that can access the internet.
  • Any mobile device capable of downloading the digital banking app.
  • Our upgraded digital banking system supports the last two versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, as well as iOS 12 or higher and Android 8.1 or higher.
  • An active account with SELCO Community Credit Union.
  • A valid and accessible email address on file with us.

Our digital banking system supports the last two versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, as well as iOS 16 or higher and Android 13 or higher. To update the Android WebView and Chrome browser on an Android device, follow these instructions: 

Update Android System WebView:

  1. Launch the Settings app.
  2. Tap Apps.
  3. Select Android System WebView.
  4. Tap App details in store.
  5. Tap Update. Then, restart the device.

Update Chrome on Android:

  1. Open the Google Play app and tap your profile picture in the top-right corner.
  2. Select Manage apps & device > Updates available.
  3. You'll see available updates for apps on your phone. Find Google Chrome and tap Update. Or tap Update all.

Your savings/checking/loan ID is a two-digit number at the end of your member number. A common savings ID is 01 and a common checking ID is 10. However, if you have multiple savings, checking, or loan accounts, you’ll also have multiple IDs.

To locate a specific two-digit ID, log in to digital banking, then click or tap your checking, savings, or loan account. Your account ID will be located in the Details section under "Member Number - Share ID."

Note: You’ll also notice a letter before each ID; when requesting a transaction, please include only the numbers.

If you want to transfer money to another SELCO member, please contact the member directly for the correct ID number.

If you call us, we’ll ask for information for verification purposes. However, SELCO does not make outbound calls from our 800 number and will never send you a text asking for your:

  • Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  • Full SSN (though we may ask for it when you call us).
  • Three-digit code on the back of your card.

If you’re ever unsure you’re speaking with a SELCO representative, hang up and call us directly at 800-445-4483.