Blue checking accounts icon


Grandma and grandson learning about money

How our certificates work

Our best-rate guarantee means if our rate for the same certificate and term rises within 30 days of account opening, we’ll automatically raise your rate to match. 

  • $500 minimum opening balance.
  • Quarterly dividends paid directly to your certificate’s balance (or savings or checking account by request; doing so will reduce your APY).
  • Terms range from 6 months to 7 years. Think of it as the "set it and forget it" way to earn. If you need to withdraw your money early, you can, but a penalty may apply.
  • College savings and IRA certificates also available. 
Family playing in living room together

Introducing additional rewards for saving with SELCO

It’s a simple concept: The more you save with us, the more value we can deliver—no rate chasing required. With our new Certificate Rewards, qualifying members automatically earn an extra 0.25% or 0.50% on all standard certificates. 

Certificate Rate Comparison Accurate as of Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Certificate Rate and Fee Schedule
Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield Minimum Balance
6 Months Dividend Rate3.552 % APY3.60 % Minimum Opening Balance$500
One Year Dividend Rate3.552 % APY3.60 % Minimum Opening Balance$500
18 Months Dividend Rate3.309 % APY3.35 % Minimum Opening Balance$500
Two Years Dividend Rate3.065 % APY3.10 % Minimum Opening Balance$500
Three Years Dividend Rate3.113 % APY3.15 % Minimum Opening Balance$500
Four Years Dividend Rate3.162 % APY3.20 % Minimum Opening Balance$500
Five Years Dividend Rate3.309 % APY3.35 % Minimum Opening Balance$500
Seven Years Dividend Rate3.552 % APY3.60 % Minimum Opening Balance$500

Maintenance and activity fees may apply and could reduce earnings. View our certificate rate and fee schedule here.

IRA certificate planning

IRA certificates

Already have an Individual Retirement Account with SELCO? If you don't plan on making a large withdrawal in the immediate future, adding an IRA certificate is a great way to make your retirement savings earn you more.


Woman stands at the beach

After Recent Decline, CDs Rebound

CD rates are the highest they've been in years, and SELCO’s certificates are offering some of the best returns available. See for yourself how we compare.

Couple hiking near the ocean

5 Misconceptions About CDs

How do certificates of deposit work? Think of CDs (aka, share certificates) as the "set it and forget it" approach to savings.

Young woman on a laptop.

6 Steps to Prepare for Your (Financial) Future

Small steps and helpful tools—like the right savings account (they’re not all made equal)—can help you get ahead. Here are six small steps you can take.

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Time to Rethink Your Savings Strategy

Americans have been hesitant to make saving a high priority. However, savings products remain attractive and may help you rethink your savings strategy.