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Mastering Credit

What’s in a number? 

It seems good credit is a requirement for just about anything these days. But what is credit, exactly, let alone “good” credit? We’ve created some guides and tips for demystifying this important tool so you can be confident you’ll be able to make the most of every opportunity and stay on track for success.  

Understanding Credit

Learn more about credit and take our quiz to get a discounted rate on your first auto loan.

Budget Calculator 

Budgeting can boost your overall financial health and even help you avoid missing bill payments which can improve your credit score! 

Get Started on Your Credit Journey

10 Steps to Financial Wellness

In this 10-part series, we’ll take you on a journey toward financial wellness, tackling important financial subjects one by one and in detail, giving you the skills to be a financial wellness expert.

Debt vs. Savings

Make Debt Work for You

It might seem like “credit” and “debt” are used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two distinct things. Simply put, credit exists before you make a purchase. Debt appears after.

Man holding a book.

Boost Your Credit Score: 4 Myths Debunked

How important is your credit score? There's advice everywhere about the topic, but we debunk four common myths concerning credit scores.

People making financial mistakes.

The Financial Mistakes of Our 20s and 30s

Start saving for retirement when you get your first job and you’ll develop a healthy savings habit that will serve you well down the road.

Credit 101

Walk through the basics and learn how your credit score is calculated, how it affects your finances, and what you can do to manage yours. 

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