Security & Privacy

Frequently Asked Questions

If you call us, we’ll ask for information for verification purposes. However, SELCO does not make outbound calls from our 800 number and will never send you a text asking for your:

  • Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  • Full SSN (though we may ask for it when you call us).
  • Three-digit code on the back of your card.

If you’re ever unsure you’re speaking with a SELCO representative, hang up and call us directly at 800-445-4483.

We'd like to have your current email address on record as a way of notifying you regarding important account information. With your permission, we may also periodically send you notifications regarding special offers or other information. We only send information about current promotions and products and services to members who subscribe to this mailing list. We respect our members' privacy, and will never sell or give your email address to anyone.
When you send us an email, we use your address only for the purpose of responding to your comments, questions, and concerns.

When you fill out an application on, we use your information to complete requests and/or transactions. We may share personal information with our business partners in order to deliver products and services that you have requested (for example, obtaining a credit report if you applied for a loan). Rest assured, we will never sell personal information to a third party for the purpose of solicitation.

The information you provide on surveys and promotions will be used for internal marketing purposes only, including developing new content that meets your specific needs or content that needs updating due to accessibility or functionality problems.

SELCO also uses analytics software as a way to collect information about the name of the domain from which you access the internet (example:,, or and the site from which you came from. We use this information for internal analysis only, which helps us improve the content of our website. Our web servers also collect information about browser and operating system types and which pages each user visits. We review traffic, hardware, and software statistics in order to make our site more accessible to all members and to tailor information to individual visitors and for traffic audits.

Multi-factor authentication is a security system designed to ensure you are who you say you are and that you’re the only person who can access your account. The first factor is your normal username and password, and the ensuing factors come via one of these methods:

  • A code sent to your device or generated from an authentication app. SELCO Digital Banking employs Google Authenticator, a more modern option that requires less frequent authentication requests while still providing the benefit of added protection.
  • One-time codes sent via text, voice call, or email.
  • One-time calls from SELCO’s Service Center.
  • Fingerprint/Face ID.
  • Push notifications.

For even more security, you can opt to be doubly authenticated each time.

Your account information is encrypted between your device and SELCO’s server, providing the same level of encryption as a virtual private network (VPN). In other words, a VPN is not necessary to protect your sensitive banking data. In addition, we continuously monitor emerging card enhancement technologies and work to ensure our debit and credit cards have the latest security and convenience features.

Our digital banking system supports the last two versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge, as well as iOS 16 or higher and Android 13 or higher. To update the Android WebView and Chrome browser on an Android device, follow these instructions: 

Update Android System WebView:

  1. Launch the Settings app.
  2. Tap Apps.
  3. Select Android System WebView.
  4. Tap App details in store.
  5. Tap Update. Then, restart the device.

Update Chrome on Android:

  1. Open the Google Play app and tap your profile picture in the top-right corner.
  2. Select Manage apps & device > Updates available.
  3. You'll see available updates for apps on your phone. Find Google Chrome and tap Update. Or tap Update all.

Absolutely. You can set alerts for activity on your accounts and cards as well as notifications of suspicious activity. Get alerted when your balances dip below or go above a certain amount, when checks clear, when your loans are due, and much more. These alerts can be sent via email, text, or push notification. To learn more, visit the “Card Management & Alerts” help and support page.


We’ve strengthened our login requirements to better safeguard your accounts. Alphanumeric usernames are still required to log in to digital banking. Here are the new username and password requirements:


  • 8-32 characters
  • Can include letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Member numbers are prohibited.
  • Contain at least one letter.
  • Cannot match your password.


  • 8-32 characters
  • Can include letters, numbers, and special characters.
  • Contain at least one letter.
  • Cannot match your username, member number, first name, or last name.
  • Passwords will still be validated against a national list of prohibited passwords obtained from previous massive security breaches and commonly used passwords. These will also be prohibited.
  • Spaces are encouraged, and SELCO recommends that users consider using a sentence or phrase in place of a traditional password.
  • Supported special characters include: ~!@#$%^&*()-_+={[]}|:;’“?,<.>/

You’ll need to turn off your VPN before accessing digital banking. But rest assured, your account information is encrypted between your device and SELCO’s server, providing the same level of encryption as a virtual private network (VPN). In other words, a VPN is not necessary to protect your sensitive banking data.

As a security feature, if you unsuccessfully log in three times, your account will be restricted from online access. (This is to prevent someone from trying to guess your password.) To unlock your account, click the “Forgot Password” link and follow the instructions. You can also contact us through live chat or by calling 800-445-4483 and we’ll help reset your password. 

To manage and secure your accounts and cards conveniently, we encourage the following:

  • Enroll in security alerts. By opting in to receive security alerts for your accounts, you’ll get either a text message or push notification if suspected activity takes place on your account. To opt in, simply log in to digital banking, click or tap “Alerts,” then "Security Alerts," and check the "Mobile Phone Number" box. 
  • Enroll in fraud text alerts. By opting in to receive fraud text alerts, you’ll get a text message when there is suspected fraud on your card. To opt in, simply log in to digital banking, click or tap “Alerts,” then "Fraud Text Alerts," then toggle the "Enable Fraud Text Alerts" to the right. 
  • Use card controls to lock your card when you're not using it. Available in digital banking, card controls allow you to lock and unlock your SELCO cards right from your phone. For extra security, keep your card locked, and simply unlock it temporarily while making a transaction.


SELCO and Visa® have automatic fraud controls in place that monitor card activity for suspicious transactions. If suspected fraud is detected, your card may be blocked while Visa Fraud Protection Services contacts you to confirm whether the activity is yours. If we’re unable to reach you, your card will remain blocked until you contact us. We can then take further action, including issuing you a new card.

The following explains what you can expect as we work with you to investigate suspicious card activity and restore card use.

If you’re enrolled in text alerts, we'll contact you by text.
You’ll receive a text message from SELCO including the last four digits of your card number, the transaction amount, and the merchant. You’ll be asked to reply indicating either yes, the charge is authorized, or no, the charge is not yours.

  • If you authorize the charge, the transaction will be processed and your card will be restored for use immediately.
  • If you don’t authorize the charge, your card will remain blocked and you’ll receive a call from Visa Fraud Protection Services to investigate and provide next steps.
  • If you don’t respond within 15 minutes, you’ll receive a second text message before Visa Fraud Protection Services begins calling.

If you’re not enrolled in, or don’t respond to, text alerts, you’ll be contacted by phone.
You’ll receive a call from Visa Fraud Prevention Services about the transaction in question.

  • They will attempt to reach you by calling all valid phone numbers on your account and will leave a detailed voicemail when possible.
  • It’s critical that you accept or return the call as soon as possible; your card will remain blocked until they reach you and will be deactivated after two days.

You’ll be asked if you recognize or authorized the transaction in question.

  • If you do, the transaction will be processed and your card will be restored for use immediately.
  • If you didn’t authorize or don’t recognize the charge, then the transaction may be declined, your card may be deactivated, or both. If your card is deactivated, you’ll be advised to contact SELCO for a replacement card.

How will you know the call is actually Visa and not a fraudster?

To verify your identity, Visa will only ask for:

  • Your first and last name.
  • Your full address.
  • The last four digits of your Social Security number.

Visa will never ask for:

  • Your full SSN.
  • Your Personal Identification Number (PIN).
  • Your Card Verification Value (CVV)—the three-digit code on the back of your card.  

If you’re still unsure whether the call is legitimate, or you have other questions, contact us at 800-445-4483.

SELCO Community Credit Union has, wherever possible, structured its partnerships with entities that share the same privacy values as we do. Some of the partnerships developed have these terms expressed in our agreement with the other party. If you believe that your privacy has been violated on a partner site, please contact us immediately.

Yes, contactless cards use the same trusted security as chip cards. Each transaction is protected by a dynamic encryption. Just like a chip card, each transaction is accompanied by a one-time code that protects your payment information. Unlike cash, using your contactless card provides an electronic record of your purchases and gives you all the great functionality and convenience of a Visa card. Because of all these safeguards, it is difficult for someone to skim cardholder information off of a card for fraudulent purchases.