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How to Get a Job for Teens

Youth Tips & Activities

Whether you’re a teen searching for your first or next job, it can be a challenge knowing where to look. Check out the following tips for jumpstarting your search.  How to get a job graphic

Ask friends and family 

You may already have your foot in the door of your new job without knowing it! Asking friends and family if they need help with their businesses can be a great way to start building your experience. Even if you don’t have friends and family who can connect you directly to employment, it’s a good idea to let them know you’re looking so they can help keep an eye out. 

Hit the pavement 

It’s tempting to do all your job searching from your phone or computer, but that doesn’t do much to showcase you to potential employers. Think of it this way: What most employers are looking for is someone who will show up regularly and be presentable. Putting on your nice clothes and hitting the streets with a resume shows that you’re willing to put in the extra effort and can present yourself well.  

Think outside the box 

Traditional employment isn’t the only what to make some spending money. Think of your skillset and how that might be valuable to someone else. Do you like animals? Maybe you could pet sit or walk dogs. Enjoy spending time outside? You can mow lawns, rake leaves, or shovel driveways. Other options include babysitting, hosting garage sales, or tutoring other students.  

Starting your job search may feel overwhelming, but by reaching out to people you already know, showcase your skills, and exploring unique options, you’ll increase your chances of finding an opportunity that’s rewarding in multiple ways.